Experienced editor, Law and Humanities
BWL, HR Personal, Wirtschaftsrecht, Englische Arbeiten
Akademischer Titel:
Master of Laws
Meine Spezialthemen:
Humanities, Law, Economics

Für Studierende und Doktoranden:

teilweise verfügbar

Anzahl erfolgreicher Projekte



> 10 Jahre (seit 2014)

Justin is a native speaker from Australia. He graduated from the University of Adelaide with a double degree in the humanities and law. He moved to Freiburg, Germany, in 2008, where he completed the Master of Laws degree at the University of Freiburg, supported by scholarship from the DAAD. His thesis focused on the conflict between nation state sovereignty and human rights.

These days, he splits his time between his home town, Adelaide, and his adopted home, Freiburg, working as a freelance translator, editor and proofreader. He has worked for a number of organisations and scholars, including the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, where he assisted in the editing process of two books for publication. While he focuses on the humanities and law, he has proofread topics as diverse as economics, biology and ecology. His extensive experience as a translator gives him special insight to the challenges faced by non-native English speakers writing academic papers.